Read ALL the Things Plays Catch-up

Every time I start writing one of these posts, two things happen: I wonder why I thought this was a good idea in the first place, and I fight the temptation to write in a slightly twee sort of third person voice: “As Read ALL the Things is now working at a bookshop, she feels she may have even less time to devote to the admirable yet fruitless quest to read all the unread books in the house. Attention must be paid to the new books, after all.”

I am, in fact, now working in a bookshop, though I still have two weeks until I’m full-time there, and I feel, somewhat dramatically, that I ought to spend those two weeks reading books published before last month. But that sounds like a negative thing, and really I’m ridiculously excited and also sort of terrified – not of the bookshop job, but of all the things I think I’ve been avoiding doing. Working part time felt, a lot of the time, like not really settling into my life, and so it was easier than usual to put off things like looking for freelance work, or writing this half-assed blog, or starting the other blog I’m super excited about, or any number of other things. This is backwards. I realize that. I should have been using the time left over around my part-time hours to do all the things that needed doing.

The idea and the actuality are not always even funhouse reflections of each other.

But books. I’ve been ducking my head and hiding from some of the books in my teetering stuff-I-read-and-meant-to-write-about pile. Continue reading “Read ALL the Things Plays Catch-up”

Read ALL the Things Plays Catch-up

Lots of Love for Willy Vlautin

The news that Willy Vlautin won not one but two Oregon Book Awards last night made me raise my fists in delight — while sitting on the sofa in my empty living room. Vlautin’s books are among those I rant enthusiastically about to any friend who will listen, going on and on about the honesty, the compassion, the corners of society he chooses to explore.

I particularly loved Lean on Pete, which I reviewed last year for the Eugene Weekly. But every one of Vlautin’s books is worth picking up. And if you get a chance to see him read, well, don’t miss it, and prepare to be incredibly charmed.

Lots of Love for Willy Vlautin